Stop losing money
with a broken store

Shopwarden continuously monitors and tests your WooCommerce store. Any issues are immediately discovered so that you can keep those orders coming in.

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You're missing orders more often than you know

Stores stop accepting orders because of several common issues, causing significant loss of revenue.

Plugin Updates

Plugins can break your website when they get updated by you or automatically. But insecure plugins are also a big problem.

Human error

Your developers are rockstars, but even they sometimes let something slip through the cracks and break the site.

External factors

Servers which go down, external services which you rely on have issues, included libraries that break.

Shopwarden lets you sleep easy at night

We'll know immediately if something is just not right with your WooCommerce store.

Automated Testing & Monitoring

With various techniques we validate if your store is fully operational. These tests are set up automatically but can be extended where necessary.


We monitor the basic infrastructure of your store with from several locations in the world. Any server issues are detected within a minute.
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Browser checks

To detect any issues with the store pages itself, we use real browsers to continously check the most important user flows like the checkout on any interval you prefer. Our plugin makes sure your order list stays clean of test orders.
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Wordpress plugin management can be a hassle. We will closely monitor all installed plugins and let you know if they're insecure or outdated.

Get notified when something's wrong

We catch issues before your customers notice! You'll immediately get a report of the issue at hand via your favorite notification methods.

Alerts Everywhere

Of course you will get your alerts by email. But we can also connect all your favorite tools to receive alerts on Slack, SMS, and dozens others.

Involve the team

You can add all your colleagues to Shopwarden so everyone can manage their own sites or share the responsibilities.

Perfect for Agencies

Offer your clients reliable service contracts with minimal engineering resources and investment.

Premium Support

Always available for you. We will train your team and help you onboard your first stores.

Cross-client Dashboard

No switching between client logins. A simple dashboard which gives you a clear overview of all stores.

Less Engineering time

Due to Shopwarden's automated testing, engineers can develop more effectively and without stress.
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Ready to give yourself more peace of mind?

You shouldn't have to worry if the store is running properly. We will take care of it, your team and clients will thank you.

100% free to get started
Up and running in 10 minutes
Help from our team if you get stuck

“Shopwarden lets me sleep at night. We had to check for things breaking each time something was auto-updated. With Shopwarden, we're sure that if something goes wrong, we'll know about it instantly.”

Scott Bowler
Founder at DCS Digital
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